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Msaliti: Angry Pastor Bans Politician From His Church Over Unpopular Tax Vote

opera.com 2 days ago

A Nairobi pastor has banned a local politician from attending his church after the politician voted for an unpopular new tax bill. The pastor is furious with the politician's decision, which went against the wishes of many Kenyan citizens.

The politician in question is Elijah Njoroge Kururia, who represents the Gatundu North constituency in Parliament. Kururia was one of the Kenya Kwanza coalition members who approved the 2024 Finance Bill, despite widespread protests across the country.

The pastor, known as Reverend Ben, leads the JCM church in Nairobi.

He has now declared that he will no longer give sermons when Kururia is present in the congregation. Reverend Ben said his decision was not influenced by anyone else, and that he works hard to support his own family.

The pastor accused Kururia of "pretending" and said he could not preach effectively with the politician sitting in the church.

Reverend Ben did not provide further details on why exactly he is banning Kururia, but it is clear he is deeply upset about the politician's vote on the unpopular tax bill.

This type of conflict between politicians and religious leaders is not new in Kenya.

In the past, some pastors and bishops have publicly criticized or refused to work with elected officials who they believe have gone against the interests of their constituents.

The ban on Kururia attending the JCM church reflects the growing tensions between politicians and faith leaders in the country.

As elected officials continue to make controversial decisions, some religious figures are taking a stand and using their platforms to hold them accountable.

It remains to be seen how Kururia will respond to the pastor's decision.

The politician may try to reconcile with the church, or he could choose to find a new place of worship. But this incident underscores the influential role that religious institutions can play in Kenyan politics and society.


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