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Monarchs Deposition: The King will be removed and will never return to palace, he would be banished–Ishaq Akintola

opera.com 3 days ago

According to the report from the Vanguard, the executive director of Muslim Rights Concern, Ishaq Akintola expressed frustration over politicians' disregard for the traditional rulers' stability, emphasizing his repeated warnings about potential depositions.

He revealed that attempts were made to caution politicians and governors to respect the roles of traditional rulers and avoid destabilizing their positions.

Describing the humiliating manner in which some rulers have been removed, such as learning of their deposition through the media or being ambushed during meetings, he condemned these actions as tyrannical and cruel.

He called attention to the detrimental consequences of such treatment, which often leads to banishment and lasting disruption to the traditional rulers' lives.

Ishaq Akintola said this while reacting to the deposition of Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano and the reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II as Emir of Kano. 

He said, "We have said it several times. It was as if we saw it coming. We have addressed politicians over this matter, asking them to caution the governors. We addressed the governors separately, asking them to let the traditional rulers be. They are in the palaces and do not know when they will be removed. Sometimes, they hear about their removal over the radio. Sometimes, the governor invites stakeholders to an executive meeting, including the king to be removed. And as he sits down, policemen surround his palace and ask people to move out. And the king will never return to the palace. He would be banished. This is tyranny and wickedness."

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