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Navigating parenting in a technological era

opera.com 1 day ago

Figuring out parenting in the modern day can be hard with the influence of technology. Good parenting has definitely been taken over by technology and this always brings the question of how the children are going to turn out eventually.A researcher Dr. Jenny Radesky has pointed out concerns about how excessive screen time and digital distractions can disrupt parent-child bonding and affect children's development.

While technology has vastly helped in many areas of parenting it has been known to to be the cause of moral decay in the society today when not well managed. Examples of the moral decay include: social isolation, addiction and isolation and mental health issues. Getting to know how to manage and balance parenting in these highly technological times is like figuring life itself. are some of the tips to help parents navigate this successfully:

1.Stay updated; as a parent it is important to keep up with current trends by being keen on what your children are consuming on social media, getting support from other parents etc. This way you are guaranteed to keep up with the world your children are living in.

2.Foster and encourage balanced lifestyle; too much of everything is poisonous. Educate your children on the importance of maintaining a balance in their lifestyle. make sure they allocate time for different activities e.g. physical activities, relaxation, technology, academics etc. Creating a routine will help them plan their day and avoid a technological addiction.

3.Instill morality at an early age; The issue of morality should be introduced to children as early as possible. It is important that you instill values such as kindness, empathy, discipline etc. at a tender age, this is because you will not always be there to monitor their behavior or interactions with technology or other people but the values you've taught will always be their guidance.

However technology is here to stay and it is up to us to make room for it and know how to live with it without it affecting our morality or way of life.

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