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How Former Popular ODM MP Dug Her Own Political Grave By Ditching Raila For Uhuru

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Taita Taveta County Women Representative Joyce Lay who has decamped from Jubilee Party to join UDA ( Photo Courtesy)

Without a prior clue, former Taita Taveta County Women Representative Joyce Lay has become the latest politician to ditch retired President Uhuru Kenyatta for President William Ruto.

In a political event held recently in her county, Lay threw in the towel after announcing her change in political allegiance by decamping from Jubilee Party to join Ruto's UDA.

The event was graced by Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro and attended by women caucus from the county. And the former legislator was elected as the chairperson of the group.

Once a promising political prospect, Lay announced her arrival into the murky world of politics in 2013 when she clinched the MP seat on an ODM party ticket.

Former Taita Taveta County Women Representative Joyce Lay ( Photo Courtesy)

But in the run up to the 2017 general election, she ditched Raila Odinga-led ODM to join Jubilee Party. But her bid for the Taita Taveta County senator position backfired after losing to the orange party candidate.

In 2022, keen to rediscover her lost glory, she ran for the Taita Taveta County Women Representative position on an ODM party ticket but lost to the incumbent, Lydia Haika of UDA.

After spending the last few months in the cold, the former MP feels that it is time to move on. But will this miscalculated political move backfire ? Will this mark the end of the road for her?


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