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When I Wore A Sneaker To The NBA Conference, They Made A Mincemeat Of Me– Vice Pres. Kashim Shettima

opera.com 4 days ago

In a lighthearted moment captured by TVC, Vice President Kashim Shettima addressed the humorous controversy surrounding his choice of footwear at a previous NBA conference. Speaking at a town hall meeting of the presidential business environment council, Shettima recalled the criticism he faced for wearing sneakers, adding a playful twist to his recounting.

During his speech, Shettima humorously referenced the backlash, noting how he was made "mincemeat" of for his fashion choice. He contrasted his experience with that of his senior special assistant, Taiwo, who wore sneakers without attracting similar attention, highlighting the inconsistency in the reactions.

With a playful tone, Shettima vowed to wear sneakers again at the next NBA conference, poking fun at the earlier controversy. His commitment to repeating his sneaker choice underscored his ability to take criticism in stride and use humor to address public scrutiny.

Shettima's comments provided a moment of levity, showing his willingness to engage with critics in a good-natured manner. His playful promise to wear sneakers again was met with amusement, signaling his intent to challenge the norms and expectations placed on public figures.

Amidst the humour, Shettima also took the opportunity to praise Alhaji Muhammed Inuwa Yahaya, the executive governor of Gombe State and chairman of the Northern States Governors Forum. He described Yahaya as an unsung hero in the ease of doing business in Nigeria, emphasizing his preference for anonymity despite his significant contributions.


Hear him: "Taiwo, the senior special assistant, wore a sneaker, and when I wore a sneaker to the NBA conference, they made a mincemeat of me. So at the next NBA conference, rest assured that I'll again wear a sneaker and go there. Your Excellency, the executive governor of Gombe State and the chairman of the Northern States Governors Forum, Alhaji Muhammed Inuha Yahaya Gombe, is indeed one of the unsung heroes of the ease of doing business in Nigeria and one of our leaders who prefers anonymity and always attends this glamorous event."

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