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Somebody Here Was a Senior Minister of Transportation, and Nothing Happened in our Port—Sim Fubara

opera.com 3 days ago

Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara has voiced his concerns over the stagnation of the state's port development, attributing the lack of progress to persistent political conflicts. In a video shared by AIT, Governor Fubara lamented that despite the state having a senior minister of transportation 16 years ago, significant advancements in the port sector were stymied by political rivalries.

Fubara detailed how these political disputes have historically hindered the growth of Rivers State, and he warned that similar issues are resurfacing, potentially undermining current efforts to rejuvenate the port and enhance the state's economy.

"Our port system wouldn't be where it is today if not for bitter politics, which is once again replicating itself," Fubara stated. "Sixteen years ago, we had someone from our state as a senior minister of transportation, yet nothing happened in our port. Every bit of progress that was supposed to benefit this state was halted due to political interference."

Video Link. 0:58.

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