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IF There Is A Ceasefire In Gaza, We Will Stop Without Any Discussion -Hezbollah's Naim Kassem

opera.com 3 days ago

Hezbollah's deputy leader, Sheikh Naim Kassem, has spoken about the group's stance regarding the conflict in Gaza and its potential implications for Israel's northern border, according to a report by The Times Of Israel.

Speaking exclusively to The Associated Press at Hezbollah's political headquarters in Beirut's southern suburbs, Kassem articulated Hezbollah's position on the current situation. He emphasized that Hezbollah's involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict has been in support of Hamas, characterizing it as a "support front" for their Palestinian ally.

"If there is a ceasefire in Gaza, we will stop without any discussion," Kassem affirmed, suggesting that Hezbollah's military support for Hamas would cease if hostilities in Gaza were to end through a formal ceasefire agreement.

However, Kassem expressed uncertainty about Hezbollah's response if Israel were to withdraw from Gaza without a formal ceasefire being declared. This scenario, increasingly considered by Israeli and US officials, presents a complex situation for Hezbollah.

"If what happens in Gaza is a mix between ceasefire and no ceasefire, war and no war, we can't answer [how we would react] now, because we don't know its shape, its results, its impacts," Kassem explained, highlighting the ambiguity surrounding potential developments in Gaza.

Regarding Israel's intentions and capabilities on its northern border, Kassem dismissed the notion that Israel is currently planning a war. However, he cautioned that any Israeli military action, even if intended to be limited in scope, could escalate beyond Israel's control.

"Israel can decide what it wants: limited war, total war, partial war," Kassem stated. "But it should expect that our response and our resistance will not be within a ceiling and rules of engagement set by Israel."

This statement underscores Hezbollah's readiness to respond robustly to any Israeli military actions, regardless of their scale or intent. Kassem emphasized that Hezbollah views any Israeli aggression as potentially leading to wider conflict, challenging Israel's ability to control the escalation.

Hezbollah's involvement in regional conflicts, particularly in Syria and its ongoing support for Hamas in Gaza, has positioned it as a formidable force in the region. Its capabilities and readiness to engage militarily with Israel have been a constant source of concern for regional stability.

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