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Raila's AUC Bid Suffers A Major Setback As Kenya Fails To Beat The Deadline To Submit His Candidacy

opera.com 4 days ago

Raila Odinga’s campaign to become the chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) is encountering several difficulties. Despite support from President William Ruto and other high-ranking officials, there are significant obstacles to overcome. One major issue is that Kenya has not yet submitted Odinga's candidacy, missing the initial deadline of June 30. Additionally, the necessary application documents need to be completed in multiple languages, which has not been done.

Odinga's vocal criticisms of the current government and his involvement in recent protests have further complicated his campaign. These activities have created a politically charged atmosphere that may be affecting his chances. His team is actively trying to synchronize their efforts with the government’s strategy to ensure a cohesive approach. However, establishing a secretariat and securing a budget for the campaign are still pending tasks.

The ultimate deadline for submitting Odinga's candidacy is August 6. If the necessary documents and preparations are not completed by then, his bid for the AUC chairmanship may be in jeopardy. The team working on Odinga's campaign is under significant pressure to meet these deadlines and address the outstanding issues.

While there is official support for Odinga's campaign, a combination of missed deadlines, incomplete documentation, and political turbulence are presenting significant challenges. The success of his bid will depend on the swift resolution of these problems and effective coordination between his team and the government.

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