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What Police Discovered From Quiver Lounge Guard After Looters Stole Several Items During Protest

opera.com 4 days ago

Anti-government protests in Kitengela led to the looting of a local business, the Quiver Lounge. After the looting, police confiscated various makeshift weapons from men who had been guarding the establishment.

The protests in Kitengela were part of a wider wave of demonstrations that have swept across Kenya in recent months. Many Kenyan citizens have grown frustrated with the country's political and economic situation, and they have been taking to the streets to voice their discontent with the government.

When the protesters reached the Quiver Lounge, a popular nightspot in Kitengela, some individuals broke into the business and began stealing items and causing damage. After the looting, the owners of the Quiver Lounge called the police for help.

When law enforcement arrived, they encountered a group of men at the Quiver Lounge who were armed with crude weapons. These included clubs, machetes, metal rods, and other improvised tools that could be used as blunt or edged instruments.

The police immediately confiscated all of these makeshift weapons from the men who were guarding the lounge. It's unclear if these individuals were employees, private security guards, or local residents trying to protect the property. No arrests were made at the time, and the police have not indicated whether the armed men will face any charges.

Quiver Lounge suffered significant damage and theft during the protest. This is a pattern that has played out across Kenya as the anti-government demonstrations have turned violent in some cases, with looting, vandalism, and clashes between protesters and security forces.

The police have been taking a more assertive approach to maintaining order, confiscating potential weapons and making arrests. However, the underlying political and economic issues that are driving the protest movement remain unresolved, and analysts warn that the country could face continued civil unrest in the months ahead.


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