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Vital nutritional ingredients in breast milk and solid baby foods.

opera.com 2 days ago

Breastfeeding: Cradle Hold – First 1000 Days

 Explore tips on breastfeeding and introducing of balanced solid meals that ensure babies receive the optimal nutrition needed for growth, brain development, strong immune system against infections and diseases and overall wellness. Understanding the importance of nutritional values of vitamins, minerals and water in breast milk and ideal baby foods is critical to her healthy transition. Ideally, breastfeeding should start about 30 minutes after child birth and continue as the baby demands. World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with solid foods gradually introduced about this age, when signs of readiness are shown by the baby. Supplementary breastfeeding is recommended for at least age two, then for as long as the mother and child wish.

Breast milk is God’s gift through mothers to their babies during child-bearing terms. The milk is fresh, ready-made and comprehensive food nursing mothers supply to their babies. During the first six months of life, breast milk is the optimal source of nutrition for babies. Breast milk provides antibodies and lymphocytes to help the baby resist infections, diseases and common infections such as diarrhea and respiratory problems; and reduces risk of food allergies. Breast milk quenches the baby’s thirst and hunger; and provides the proteins, sugar, minerals and iron that the baby needs. It is economical and promotes hydration, healing and better overall health of babies.

Breastfeeding offers health benefits during and after toddler-hood. The benefits include lowering risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), increasing intelligence and decreasing likelihood of contracting middle ear infections. Breast fed babies enjoy high resistance to cold and flu, decreased risk of childhood leukemia (cancer) and diabetes. Other benefits are reduced risk of asthma, eczema, dental problems and obesity later in life. Breast fed babies have low risk of developing psychological disorders which can occur in adopted babies. Breastfeeding promotes good bonding between mothers and babies.

Babies on adequate breast milk pass more than four yellow, seedy stools and urinate for about six times a day, resulting to better natural systemic detoxification. Such babies do sleep well, always at alert when awake and do not vomit after each feed. Babies who are sufficiently breastfed digest solid foods better and easier. Breastfed babies readily accept solid foods because they are already conversant with the variety of tastes and flavours of foods passed to them through the rich breast milk. Research has shown that as a result of the amazing content of breast milk, breastfed babies have better gastric motility, mucosal mass, intestinal host defenses, brain and retinal growth. It is generally known that breastfeeding is very important in the early period of life and has lifelong biological effects.

Breastfeeding also provides amazing health benefits to mothers. It assists the uterus of mothers who engage in appropriate breastfeeding to return to its pre-pregnancy weight and reduces post-partum bleeding.  Breastfeeding mothers have reduced risk of unwanted pregnancy, ovarian and premenopausal breast cancer according to medical experts.

Naturally, the exact composition of breast milk varies from day to day, depending on food consumption and environment. Breast milk composition changes rapidly during the first week, increasing in fat and lactose concentration and decreasing in protein, vitamin and mineral content. After the first 7 days, changes continue at a slower rate until breast milk reaches the mature stage around Day 21. Breast milk, which is 90% water, contains nutrient proteins, non-protein nitrogenous compounds, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, growth factors and protective agents. It also has 10% solid components for energy and growth.

During the first few days before or after delivery, the mother produces colostrum. Colostrum gradually changes to mature breast milk later. Colostrum is a thin yellowish fluid that is rich in protein and antibodies that provide passive immunity to the baby before her immune system is fully developed. Colostrum produces mild laxative effect, expels meconium (first stool of newborn baby) and prevents the build-up of bilirubin (a contributory factor in jaundice disease). Colostrum also helps the newborn’s digestive system to grow and function optimally.

During breastfeeding, it is best practice to connect the baby properly to the nipple which should be appropriately washed to avoid contaminants. Mothers should avoid scheduled and infrequent nursing of babies which may cause vitamin deficiencies and low growth rate. Mothers should avoid substances such as alcohol, viruses or drugs that can unwittingly pass to the infant via breast milk.

Expectant mothers should take prescribed prenatal vitamins and should not take additional supplements without consulting a doctor because some vitamins like A and D, in high doses, can have toxic effects on fetus. Nursing mothers should limit the intake of saturated fats because babies who consume breast milk high in saturated fat may be at increased risk of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels later in life. Breastfeeding mothers should increase their intake of docosahexanoic acid which plays important roles in brain development by eating significant quantities of fish. Nursing mothers should breastfeed their infants on demand. This helps babies to adjust intake in response to changes in breast milk. Also, more frequent breastfeeding can boost the content of essential fat in breast milk. A nursing mother should let her baby take her time at each breast. As noted above, premature breast-switching can rob babies of essential fat and other nutrients in breast milk. Childbearing mothers should make breastfeeding baby-friendly and a must-do practice.

Solid foods are gradually introduced to compliment breast milk after at least six months of consistent breastfeeding. It is important to start solid foods after six months because from that age, the breast milk will not be sufficient to supply all the needed nutritional ingredients for ideal growth and development of babies.

Start the baby on a small quantity of variety of mashes and semi-solid fortified foods of her interest after a little breastfeeding during each feed. Usually, a careful study is necessary to reveal the baby’s interest. As the baby grows, introduce fruits and vegetables. Solid foods for babies should be rich in:

ü Vitamin A: It is good for bright eyes, smooth skin and good respiratory system. Carotenoids and beta carotenes serve as antioxidants and sources of vitamin A.

ü Vitamin C: This is essential for resisting colds and other infections.

ü Vitamin E and Selenium: They help in defenses against viruses and infections.

ü Vitamin B6: This is for mental alertness and nervous system balancing.

ü Vitamin B12 and Folic acid: They help to prevent anemia and promote cell division.

ü Zinc: Balances mental equilibrium.

ü Protein: Is for defense against pathogens and serves as the building blocks of amino acids, muscle and bone.

ü Calcium: This is for strong and good structured bones and muscle contraction. It is equally good for blood clotting, and proper nerve, heart and kidney functions.

Some of the examples of solid foods that provide the above essential nutrients for babies are yogurts, sardines, salmon, crayfish, skimmed and whole milk. Other examples are tofu, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits (fruits generally), cereals, beans (grains), nuts and liver. The nutrients must be in appropriate amount in the baby’s diet to make the required impact on the healthy growth and development of the baby.

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