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Iran Vows to Back Hezbollah with "All Means" in Face of Israeli Threats

opera.com 2 days ago

According to a report by Jerusalem Post, Iran’s former Foreign Minister and advisor to Ayatollah Khamenei, Kamal Kharazi, has declared that Iran will support Hezbollah "by all means" if Israel goes to war.

(Photo: Hezbollah Leader)

Kharazi warned that a full-scale Israeli offensive against Hezbollah could lead to a regional conflict, with Iran and other members of the axis of resistance standing in solidarity with Lebanon.

The former Foreign Minister also called on the US to pressure Israel to avoid further escalation, emphasizing Iran's commitment to supporting Hezbollah in any potential conflict.

Recall, Iran's mission to the United Nations stated that "any imprudent decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could plunge the region into a new war, the consequence of which would be the destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure as well as that of the 1948 occupied territories."

The mission added that "this war will have one ultimate loser, which is the Zionist regime."

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