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Shehu Sani Reacts On Bill For New Southeast State Passing First Reading in National Assembly

opera.com 4 days ago

Former Kaduna Central Senator, Shehu Sani, has voiced his support for the bill seeking to create a new state in Nigeria's southeast region, describing it as "fair and just" on his X handle. 

A bill seeking to create a new state in Nigeria's southeast region, named "Etiti" with its capital at Lokpanta, has successfully passed its first reading in the House of Representatives. 

The legislation is spearheaded by a group of southeast lawmakers including Miriam Onuoha (Imo), Amobi Ogah (Abia), Chinwe Nnabuife (Anambra), Kama Nkemkama (Ebonyi), and Anayo Onwuegbu (Enugu). 

Reacting to this report, the former Senator and activist Shehu Sani took to his X handle to air out his view and thought about it.

According to the outspoken activist Shehu Sani, he said creating another state in the South East is fair and just.

Shehu Sani believes the creation of a new state in the region is a just and equitable move. 

In his tweet, he wrote below:

"In reference to the Bill before the National Assembly, creating another state in the South East is fair and just"

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