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Anytime rain falls we Don't have rest, we mop until the rain stops and mop after it stops -Policeman

opera.com 2 days ago

A policeman who identified himself as Emmanuel has shared the tough conditions he and his colleagues face in the area they were posted to in Lekki, Lagos.

In a video shared by Sahara Reporters TV, Emmanuel said he and his colleagues lack basic amenities like good ventilation, toilets, and clean water. He said when it rains, their living situation becomes even worse because they have to constantly mop water from their living space until the rain stops. He also said the abandoned building where they live is in a very poor condition

In Emmanuel's words: "I want to use this media to inform the house that where we are being posted, there is no good ventilation, no toilet, no good water and where we are living since rain started we have been mopping.

"Anytime rain falls we don't have rest, we mop until the rain stops and mop after it stops. We don't have a good place to stay, even the abandoned house where we live doesn't have roof"

Watch the video from 0:04. Link: https://www.facebook.com/ReportYourself/videos/340011962476987/?mibextid=w8EBqM

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