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No More Secret As UDA Politician & Ruto's Close Ally Exposes Corruption Scandal Within The Govt

opera.com 2 days ago

Senator Aaron Cheruiyot has boldly addressed the pressing issues facing the nation during his speech today in the Senate. His candid admission about the state of the nation shed light on the urgent need for change and reform.

By acknowledging the broken system that has hindered Kenya's progress, he demonstrated a keen understanding of the challenges that have held the country back from realizing its full potential.

In his impassioned address, Senator Cheruiyot empathized with the sentiments of the public, recognizing the widespread belief that the current systems are failing to serve the people.

The senator also expressed deep regret over the recent wave of protests that have gripped the nation, fueled by public outrage at the perceived opulence of state officials and elected leaders.

He unequivocally condemned the pervasive corruption that has infiltrated critical institutions meant to combat graft, emphasizing the urgent need for decisive action to address this national catastrophe.

In a bold and principled stance, Cheruiyot called upon his fellow politicians in the political arena to refrain from engaging in corrupt practices, including the controversial practice of donating large sums of money at public events.

Going a step further, he urged the government to consider implementing measures to curb corruption, such as the prohibition of fundraisings in churches and other public forums.

This proactive approach underscored his commitment to tackling the root causes of corruption and fostering a fair and equitable society for all Kenyans.

Here is the source link: https://www.kenyans.co.ke/news/102290-uda-senator-acknowledges-kenyan-complaints-about-broken-systems?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SM&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3sOCoD2Uhm2MLg3qFjtYeVzeNWAbTDjfLzQzozHVzGHoCM3oG2Fyaom8U_aem_rVdW36doTDByiL6CScC5ow

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