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Nigerian Government Cancels Construction Contracts Over Poor Performance

opera.com 4 days ago

According to PUNCH NEWSPAPER, The Nigerian government has terminated the contracts with three construction firms working on the reconstruction of the Obajana-Benin road, citing non-performance as the reason.

The Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, made the announcement in a press briefing earlier today.

Fashola stated that the three firms – Construction and Works Ltd, Asobioy Ventures Ltd and Natcho Engineering Ltd – failed to meet the expected standards and timelines for the project. He also noted that their contracts have been terminated with immediate effect.

The Obajana-Benin road, which stretches for 449km, is a major highway that connects the South-western and South-southern regions of Nigeria. It is a crucial route for the transportation of people and goods, and its reconstruction has been long overdue.

The project, which was awarded in 2018, was estimated to cost 92.3 billion naira and was expected to be completed within a period of three years. However, due to the lack of performance from the three firms, only 15% of the work has been completed so far.

This termination of contracts has caused a stir among the affected firms and has raised questions about the government's ability to effectively manage and monitor projects.

In response to this, Fashola assured that new contractors will be selected through a transparent and competitive bidding process to continue the reconstruction of the Obajana-Benin road. He also emphasized the government's commitment to ensuring that the project is completed within the stipulated time frame.

The decision to terminate the contracts with the non-performing firms is a step towards holding contractors accountable for their work and ensuring that public funds are not wasted. It is also a wake-up call for other firms to take their projects seriously and deliver quality work within the agreed timelines.

As motorists and commuters continue to face the challenges of navigating through the dilapidated road, the government's swift action to address the issue is a welcome development. The completion of the Obajana-Benin road will not only improve the lives of the people but also boost economic activities in the region.

The Nigerian government has shown its determination to prioritize the development of infrastructure and we can only hope that this termination of contracts will serve as a lesson to other contractors to fulfill their responsibilities to the nation. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of the reconstruction project.

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