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Malema's Bold Message To Gen Z's After Thurs Protest Despite Withdrawal Of The Finance Bill By Ruto

opera.com 4 days ago

On Thursday, demonstrations were observed across various parts of the country as numerous youths gathered to assert their democratic rights. They expressed discontent with the Kenya Kwanza government, accusing it of governing through deceitful tactics.

However, these demonstrations followed an announcement by William Samoei Ruto on Wednesday, where he acknowledged defeat by stating that he would not sign the contentious Finance Bill 2024. He also pledged to reduce budgets to encourage people to live within their means.

Despite these developments, Gen Z now asserts that the protests are no longer solely about rejecting the Finance Bill. They demand that William Ruto and his aides vacate office and allow someone who can address their needs to take over.

Julius Sello Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, has praised the young Kenyans participating in the protests for their non-tribal and inclusive approach to the revolution. He commended Gen Z for their involvement regardless of ethnic group or social class.

Through his handle, X stated that the youth have commendably resisted oppression from the Kenya Kwanza regime. He criticized the government for making numerous unfulfilled promises, noting that the situation has worsened compared to the previous regime under Uhuru Kenyatta.

He further urged Kenyans not to relent in their efforts to be included in government initiatives, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability, which are lacking in Ruto's administration..

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