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" Moi Tried and Failed" Lawyer Paul Mwangi Warns Ruto Over Strategy to Engage Youths

opera.com 2 days ago

In a fiery response to President William Ruto's new strategy to engage youth following recent protests, Raila Odinga's lawyer, Paul Mwangi, has issued a stark warning. Mwangi likened Ruto's approach to a historical blunder reminiscent of Moi's failed tactics during the Saba Saba protests in 1990.

Mwangi criticized Ruto for establishing the National Multi-Sectoral Forum on Youth Engagement without addressing the core demands of the protesting youth. He argued that Ruto's move misses the mark, echoing Moi's ill-fated response to demands for multi-party democracy decades ago.

Here is a link: https://peopledaily.digital/news/rutos-youth-approch-trashed-243015/

After declining to sign the Finance Bill 2024 amidst widespread youth protests, Ruto unveiled plans for the forum, aiming to address grievances through broad stakeholder engagement. However, Mwangi dismissed this as inadequate, asserting that the youth seek tangible action, not mere dialogue.

The lawyer's critique underscores deepening political divisions and dissatisfaction within Kenya's youth demographic, highlighting a disconnect between government actions and public expectations. Mwangi emphasized that Ruto's strategy risks exacerbating rather than mitigating unrest.

Ahead of forming the National Steering Committee for the forum, Ruto's administration called for nominations from various youth organizations and stakeholders across the country. This move aims to initiate a participatory process aimed at addressing youth concerns from the grassroots level upwards.

Mwangi's statement reflects broader concerns about the efficacy of government responses to societal challenges and the need for substantive reforms. As political tensions simmer, his remarks add to the ongoing debate over leadership strategies and public accountability in Kenya.

The clash between government initiatives and public sentiment underscores a pivotal moment in Kenya's political landscape, where youth activism and demands for reform are reshaping the narrative. Mwangi's critique serves as a cautionary tale, urging leaders to heed historical lessons and adopt more responsive governance approaches.

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