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Enemies Of Nigeria Are At Work, They Don't Want Dangote, Tinubu To Succeed - ATTK Group

opera.com 3 days ago

A northern organization called Arewa Think Tank (ATTK) has denounced the latest fire at the Dangote refinery in Lagos.

They placed the blame on adversaries of Nigeria who seek to thwart the administration of President Bola Tinubu and Aliko Dangote's initiatives to advance the socioeconomic growth of the nation.

The Sun reported that the refinery has the ability to alleviate the fuel shortage and generate employment possibilities, which is why the organization classified the incident as an act of sabotage.

They applauded Dangote's patriotism for bringing up the Nigerian refinery, which, when fully operational, would create 135,000 permanent jobs.

The ATTK warned Dangote not to let the loss discourage him, pointing out that success is not without its difficulties.

They conveyed their appreciation for the quick containment of the fire and the absence of personnel casualties. The group remembered President Tinubu praising Dangote Refinery for lowering diesel costs, which had a favorable effect on the economy.

They emphasized the role that public-private partnerships play in enhancing the welfare of Nigeria. Muhammad Alhaji Yakubu, the Chief Convener of Arewa Think Tank, released a statement on behalf of the organization.

He said, "Enemies of Nigeria are at work—those who don't want Dangote and Tinubu to succeed. Nigeria and Nigerians will eventually triumph."

"The fire is happening a few days after the owner of the refinery, Aliko Dangote, explained how International Oil Companies (IOC) were trying to frustrate him."

"We want to urge Aliko Dangote not to be disturbed because the journey to success is full of challenges, and it is our belief that despite the fire gutting part of the refinery, it will bounce back to function soon."

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