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[Story] The Hidden Truth Behind Remi's Illness - Episode 2️⃣

opera.com 1 day ago

Episode 2️⃣

When Luke came out to the living room, ready to head to the hospital, he was stunned to find his wife, Agnes, comfortably watching television. She seemed completely unbothered by the urgency of their situation. Determined to avoid the DNA test he had insisted on, Agnes had resolved not to accompany him to the hospital.

"Why are you still here? Go get ready and prepare Remi. We need to leave for the hospital for the test. We discussed this yesterday. There is something seriously wrong with our daughter, and it seems like you don't want to get to the bottom of it. Please, go get ready," Luke urged, his frustration mounting.

Agnes, however, remained glued to the TV, switching channels until she landed on Zee World. "I'm not going anywhere!" she declared after a long silence, her eyes fixed on the screen.

"And why not?" Luke asked, trying to keep his voice calm despite his rising irritation. "Are you hiding something?"

"No, I'm not hiding anything," Agnes snapped. "I just don't think a DNA test is necessary. We can find another solution."

"Then what do you suggest?" Luke asked, exasperated. "How else do we find out why our child has the SS genotype?"

Agnes finally turned to face him. "Let's get a second opinion on the genotype test. Maybe there was a mistake. We can go to another hospital and see what they say."

Luke sighed but agreed. "Fine, but if this test confirms the same result, we are doing the DNA test. Agreed?"

Agnes nodded reluctantly and got ready. They went to another laboratory, and after a tense wait, the results were in. "You and your wife are compatible. You are AA, and your wife is AS. However, your daughter is SS," the lab technician confirmed.

In the car, Luke insisted on the DNA test, but Agnes refused. "Drive me home," she demanded.

"That's not happening," Luke replied, speeding towards the hospital. As soon as he parked, Agnes jumped out of the car and ran away, leaving Luke and their daughter, Amanda, behind.

Luke proceeded with the DNA test alone. When he returned home, he found the house empty. Amanda, who he had left in the living room, was missing. Panicked, he searched everywhere but found no trace of her. Calling Agnes was futile; her phone was switched off.

He decided to wait until morning before filing a report with the police. The next day, he drove to the hospital to collect the DNA results. "The results show that you are not Amanda's biological father," Dr. Nat revealed.

Heartbroken, Luke couldn't believe he had been raising another man's child. He returned home, only to find another car in the driveway and a strange man loading bags into it. Recognizing the bags as Agnes', Luke hurried inside to find Amanda playing alone in the living room.

Agnes emerged, her face tear-streaked. "You must know the truth now," she said. "I tried to protect you from this, but you insisted."

"Why did you cheat on me?" Luke asked, his voice breaking. "I loved and trusted you."

Agnes confessed her past love with the man outside. "He is Amanda's real father. We broke up because we were both AS, but I couldn't stay away from him. I got pregnant while still married to you. I'm sorry, Luke."

"There's no going back from this. It's over," Luke said, placing Amanda on the floor. Agnes picked her up and left, her tears mixing with Luke's.

Outside, her former lover reassured her. "We'll raise Amanda together. We'll be happy because our hearts belong to each other."

As they drove away, he advised others to check their genotypes early in a relationship. Luke eventually recovered, remarried, and found happiness again.


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