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Speculations As Raila's Son Goes Missing In Action

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's son, Raila Odinga Jr who has recently been missing in action ( Photo Courtesy)

Long considered his father's heir apparent, Raila Odinga Jr's recent actions have sparked speculations on whether he is still harboring political ambitions.

For the man who until recently was very active in politics, the ODM party leader Raila Odinga son's low political profile has left many guessing on his exact political game plan going forward.

In the run up to the 2022 general election, Raila Jr was very instrumental in his father's presidential campaigns. The 44-year old was literally everywhere as he pitched for the former Prime Minister's election as Kenya's President in his fifth stab at the presidency.

Even after the August 9, 2022 poll which saw the then Deputy President William Ruto pull a shock win to become Kenya's fifth President, Raila Jr remained vocal.

Azimio la Umoja coalition leader Raila Odinga with former President Uhuru Kenyatta ( Photo Courtesy)

But over the last few months, he has taken a back seat in his father's political life. His youngest sister, Winnie Odinga has been very vocal and influential in ODM and opposition politics in general.

Now serving as a member of the East Africa Legislative Assembly ( EALA), Winnie is rumoured to he her father's preferred choice of a successor in Nyanza region politics.

As for Jr, the former Prime Minister's only son, his silence is so loud that it has not gone unnoticed. For the man who was always ready to take on anyone who stepped on his father's feet, his low political profile has shocked many.

Raila Jr is said to have retreated to managing his family's multi-billion business empire.

Could it be that he is quietly assembling his political machinery ready to launch his own political career in 2027? Or has decided to quit politics after his father's disappointing defeat in 2022?


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