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"When Will You Stop Lying?" Bold Journalist Asks President Ruto Live On Camera In Statehouse

opera.com 3 days ago

In a bold move, Eric Latif, a journalist from Standard Media Group's Spice FM, directly asked President William Ruto during a live discussion when he will stop lying to Kenyans, reflecting the widespread sentiment on social media regarding his unfulfilled promises.

President Ruto responded by acknowledging the numerous promises he made to Kenyans. He admitted that while it is true some promises remain unfulfilled, others have been realized. He highlighted his youth employment initiatives within the housing project as a significant achievement. "All promises cannot be fulfilled at once; they take time," Ruto stated, asking for patience from the public.

The president also credited himself with elevating Kenya's diplomatic standing on the global stage since he took office. He emphasized that this diplomatic progress has positioned Kenya more favorably in international affairs. Ruto assured that many mega projects are in the pipeline, which will significantly benefit Kenyan youth in the near future.

This exchange underscores the tension between the government and its citizens, who are increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with the pace of promised reforms. Latif's question and Ruto's defense highlight the critical scrutiny the administration faces as it strives to meet the expectations of its populace.

The dialogue reflects the growing demand for transparency and accountability from the Kenyan government. As the nation grapples with economic and social challenges, the need for visible progress and honest communication from leadership is paramount. The promise of upcoming projects offers some hope, but the pressure remains on the government to deliver tangible results.

For those interested in watching the full exchange, it can be found at the 52-minute mark of the video linked below.


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