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"Christianity is Not a Religion" – Prophet Joshua Iginla Says, Emphasizes Relationship Over Ritual

opera.com 2 days ago

Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, has sparked a thought-provoking discussion with his recent YouTube message, urging believers to view Christianity as a relationship rather than a religion.

In his powerful sermon, Iginla emphasized that true faith transcends rituals and denominational boundaries.

"Christianity is not a religion; it's a relationship between a father and a son," Iginla declared. He challenged the conventional mindset that confines faith to religious practices and affiliations, urging believers to focus on their personal connection with God.

Iginla criticized the tendency among Christians to judge others based on religious practices or church memberships.

"Poverty of relationship! Oh God, he must be a Christian before I deal with him. That’s why you are poor," he stated, highlighting how such narrow thinking can hinder personal and spiritual growth.

The prophet emphasized that true Christianity is about developing a deep, personal relationship with God, rather than merely adhering to rituals.

"Stop this religious thing that eats up your head, making you think that if somebody is not speaking in tongues, you can't shake hands with them. This is why we are where we are," Iginla explained, urging believers to move beyond superficial markers of faith.

He further pointed out the irony in how some Christians prioritize religious identity over genuine human connection. "Which church are you from? Are you a communicant? Are you baptized? Are you confirmed? That's all we talk about in destiny," he said.

Iginla stressed that such questions should not define one's willingness to engage with others, as God can use anyone to fulfill His purposes.

"Religious sentiment is infinitesimal. God can tie your destiny to a Muslim. He can open the door and sign that contract for you," Iginla explained, urging his audience to be open-minded and inclusive.

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