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If You Look At Area Where Gold Is Mined, The Environment Is Usually Degraded -Natasha Akpoti

opera.com 3 days ago

According to the Sun, Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan, the senator representing Kogi State, highlighted the severe environmental repercussions of gold mining. She drew attention to the distressing environmental degradation caused by these activities.

Natasha emphasized the urgent need for a strong environmental protection framework, especially regarding gold extraction. She criticized both illegal miners and major mining companies for failing to take proactive measures to address the environmental damage affecting communities.

The consequences of gold mining include reduced agricultural productivity and polluted water sources, making them unsuitable for consumption.

In Natasha's words, she explained, "Another advantage of this gold reserve for the good framework is environmental protection. Just like many other areas that have been mined. If you look at a typical area where gold is mined, the environment is usually degraded. I know and invest or should I say illegal miners, the big companies have done little or nothing about how the community are able to farm or fend for the kind of water they drink."

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