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Not Yet Over As Youths Told What They Should Do Very Quickly To Make Sure All MPs Fear Them Forever

opera.com 3 days ago

Kenyans who are not happy with their representatives in Parliament should be called back to recall them. This is in reference to the Finance Bill 2024 vote.

In an interview with a local radio station, Ken Ogembo, a program manager at Siasa Place, stated that recalling MPs is feasible provided Kenyans uphold the solidarity shown during the rallies. He also emphasized that the legislators will be disciplined as a result of the recall.

“I would encourage young people, if your Member of Parliament did not meet your expectation then you have the right to start the process of recall, and if you do it how we did it this time round then possibly, that is going to instil discipline,” Ogembo said.

Ogembo's remarks coincide with complaints on social media from Kenyans considering demanding for the MPs to be called back after parliament on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, approved the contentious Finance Bill 2024.

The process of recalling an MP is provided for in the Constitution and the Elections Act under specific circumstances, including: Gross violation of the Constitution or any other law, Committing an offense under the Elections Act, Misbehavior likely to bring discredit to the office and Mismanagement of public funds.

To initiate a recall, a registered voter in the respective constituency must collect signatures from at least 30% of the registered voters in that constituency. These signatures must include at least 15% of voters from at least half of the wards.

The signatures, along with evidence supporting the recall claims and a statutory declaration verifying the signatures, are then submitted to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for verification.

The IEBC will notify the Speaker of Parliament within 15 days of verifying the petition and will initiate the recall process. The Commission will hold fresh elections within 90 days of the verification.

An MP can only be recalled two years after elections and up to 12 months before the next election.

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