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How Gen Zs Are Strategically Filling The Raila Odinga Political Gap.

opera.com 3 days ago

For a long period of time in the history of this country, former Prime Minister Hon. Raila Odinga has been probably the most source of a vocal voice advocating for justice for Kenyans.

The Azimio la umoja leader has been a common character on Kenyan streets, leading Kenyans in demanding for a just society that accommodates interests of all citizens without any form of discrimination.

Hon. Raila Odinga in a past event.

In the same accord, Hon. Odinga has been playing a galvanizing role, acting as a point of separation between the common citizens and those in power. His gradual exit from local politics has subsequently resulted in a vacuum that no one was filling until the rise of the Gen Zs.

As opined by Karl Max in his thesis of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and Proletariat, there is nothing as dangerous as creating a "reserve army of labour" where the ranks of the unemployed who, through the absence of any meaningful choice, are prepared to work for very low wages in temporary jobs.

This scenario is exactly what is happening in Kenya, where the Gen Zs have taken over the political stage in a way no one had predicted.

In this case, the Gen Zs have risen up to take over the mantle which was for long held by Hon. Odinga. Wether these protests will upend politics in future elections, no one knows.

As reports indicate, there have been several abductions as a result of the protests. This probably is a clear signal that there is panic in some government quarters.

A case study of war-torn countries like Somalia show that they have come to be where they are with such similar initial occurrences.

At this point, tragedy can easily be smelled thus the need for President Ruto to take a strategic retreat, listen to Kenyans who are overwhelmingly supporting Gen Zs or face the consequences of the reserve army take over.

Protestors engaged in running battles with police officers in a past demonstration event.


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