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Governor Sakaja Allege There Is CCTV Footage Linking Nairobi MP To City Hall Being Set On Fire

opera.com 3 days ago

On Tuesday, June 25, demonstrators opposing Finance Bill 2024 set fire to a portion of City Hall. Johnson Sakaja, the governor of Nairobi, has now connected the incident to a local member of parliament (MP).

Sakaja claims that an MP employee was among those, seen on CCTV footage of City Hall burning. Regarding the burning of a portion of City Hall, during the protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

Governor Johnson Sakaja has spoken out. In a media conference on Thursday, July 4, Sakaja connected the incident to an unidentified Nairobi-based member of parliament.

The governor revealed that one of the individuals, spotted setting fire to City Hall is employed at a member of parliament's office. 

Sakaja stated that legal action should be taken against the MP, and his assistant who were seen on CCTV setting the building on fire.

"We are extremely lucky to have CCTV footage from City Hall showing the individuals who set it on fire. I have witnessed devious allegations, but among those captured on tape is one who works in the Nairobi office of a Member of Parliament.

They'll have to respond. "That damage to public property will have to be answered for by the MP or politician who sent them," Sakaja stated.

Sakaja noted that fortunately, not much damage was done by the fire incident because the county has digitized the majority of its documents. "The fire didn't cause much damage to our records because we are digital; we stole them in the cloud," he said.

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