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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Crashes in Kaduna, Nigeria

opera.com 2 days ago

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has confirmed that one of its Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) crashed in Kaduna State, debunking earlier reports of a helicopter crash.

The UAV crashed on Monday, July 1, 2024, near Rumji Village, about 15 kilometers from the NAF Base. The crash occurred shortly after takeoff, and a preliminary investigation has commenced to determine the cause of the incident.

Fortunately, since the vehicle was unmanned, there were no casualties or injuries reported.

The NAF spokesperson, Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, clarified that the incident involved a UAV and not a helicopter as earlier reported. He emphasized that the NAF attaches great importance to the safety of its personnel and equipment and is working to determine the cause of the incident.

The NAF has commenced a preliminary investigation into the incident to ascertain the cause of the crash. The investigation will help the NAF to identify the root cause of the incident and take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The incident highlights the importance of accurate reporting and the need for media outlets to verify information before publishing. The NAF has urged the media to seek clarification from authorized military outlets before reporting incidents to avoid spreading misinformation.

The crash of the NAF UAV in Kaduna State is an incident that highlights the importance of safety and accurate reporting. The NAF has demonstrated its commitment

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