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Boko Haram Resorting To Suicide Bombing Now Shows They Can No Longer Carry Out Attacks —Sadeeq Shehu

opera.com 2 days ago

The present dependence on suicide bombs in Borno, according to retired military officer Captain Sadeeq Shehu, is a reflection of Boko Haram's diminished capacity to carry out large-scale strikes in comparison to the years 2013–2017. Shehu claims that the group's operational skills have been severely diminished due to this change in tactics. According to Shehu, who was speaking during an interview on the News Day program of Arise TV, Boko Haram has never used suicide bombings as their main tactic. He said that the gang had previously engaged in more sophisticated and extensive attacks, including as town raids, kidnappings, and battles with government troops.

Their weakened ability to plan such big strikes, according to Mr. Shehu, is probably driving a strategic tilt toward suicide bombs, which they are increasingly relying on. Shehu made the astute observation that there is cause for optimism due to the reduction in the severity and frequency of Boko Haram's attacks. According to him, this proves that the Nigerian military and their foreign allies are successfully weakening the group's capacity to conduct large-scale offensives in their fight against terrorism.

He went on to say that suicide bombs are a common indicator of terrorist groups' desperation. He asserted that terrorist organizations may turn to these tactics when they are under intense scrutiny and have few resources to sustain their violent campaign. He said that suicide bombings, albeit lethal, are more practical for a diminished group since they do not necessitate as much preparation, people, or resources as more organized operations. Suicide bombs in the North East have been in the news for quite some time, according to Shehu.

According to my data, the North East did not have a suicide bombing until 2019. Thus, there has been no news of suicide bombs for around five and a half years. It comes as a surprise to learn that Boko Haram, although being a terrorist organization, does not rely on suicide bombings as its primary means of attack when we examine their history and tactics. By turning to suicide bombings, Boko Haram has demonstrated that it is unable to carry out the kinds of attacks it did in 2013–2014 and again up until 2017. Knowing that our security personnel are exerting pressure on them brings a sense of calm.

Watch the interview video here (start from 1:44).

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