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Firefighters Showcase Skills in Thrilling Drill Competition

opera.com 2 days ago

The Federal Fire Service's FCT Command organized a captivating fire drill competition at the Metropolitan Fire Station in Kubwa on July 2. Firefighters from various stations and outposts in the FCT gathered to demonstrate their expertise in fire extinguishing and emergency response simulations. The event showcased their preparedness and response to fire incidents, highlighting their bravery, speed, and skill.

Controller General Engr. Jaji O. Abudulganiyu commended the firefighters for their dedication and hard work, praising their professionalism and teamwork. He emphasized the importance of their efforts in ensuring the safety of lives and properties in the country, encouraging them to continue striving for excellence.

The competition fostered a sense of camaraderie and healthy rivalry among the firefighters, with winners receiving awards. The head of the FCT Command praised the participants for their outstanding performance, and the event concluded on a high note, with firefighters leaving with renewed dedication to their duties.

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