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Uproar In Mombasa As Gen Z Protests Turn Violent As Looting, Arson Escalate. (Video)

opera.com 6 days ago

Protests have erupted across multiple regions in the country, intensifying demands for improved governance.What began as anti-finance bill demonstrations last month has now escalated into widespread anti-government protests.


In Mombasa, Massive looting and vandalism are taking place as goons hijack the anti-government protests.

Cars are being burnt, and shops are being ransacked amidst the chaos. Despite the escalating violence and destruction, police officers present at the scene are not intervening.

The unchecked looting and arson are causing significant damage, leaving residents to fend for themselves in an increasingly volatile situation.In the midst of the growing unrest, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights released concerning statistics on Monday, July 1.

The findings included 32 kidnappings and 627 arrests. Last Monday, a judge gave the police an injunction to refrain from using tear gas and live ammunition on demonstrators.

All routes to the State House are blocked, and there is still a significant police presence. Parliament Road is still closed as well.

Numerous police divisions set up camp outside the Parliament structure. At KICC, police water cannons are stationed and ready to go.

While in Mombasa, Protestors are out in huge crowds in Mombasa, with the police calling for peace during the protests.

Already, Mbaraki Girls Secondary School has closed and sent all students home.

Meanwhile, the government has given the green light for the protests on the condition that they are peaceful and devoid of destruction of property.

Equally, as a measure of security, the Kenya Defence Forces were also deployed to help the police protect key government installations countrywide.

The deployment of the KDF was done after Parliament was breached. According to Ruto, some goons who hijacked the protests were determined to break the armoury.

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