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Why was Sanusi deposed? What was his offence? Was it justified?–Gerald Obunadike Mbamalu

opera.com 3 days ago

According to the report from the Sun, the Eze Oranyelu 1, Eze Ojoto 111 in Idemili South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Igwe Gerald Obunadike Mbamalu criticized the Kano State government for undermining the integrity of the traditional institution by using their power to manipulate the Kano Emirate. He argued that the police and army, which were deployed to protect both Emirs, are being misused as political tools, receiving conflicting orders that ultimately jeopardize the traditional institution they are meant to safeguard.

He questioned the justification behind the deposition of Sanusi, suggesting that the decision was motivated by political power struggles rather than legitimate grievances.

He cautioned that politicizing the Kano Emirate could have detrimental effects on the institution's reputation and standing, urging for greater respect and autonomy for the traditional leaders.

He said, "Kano State is ridiculing the traditional institution. They should stop ridiculing the traditional institution. The Police and Army that besieged the state to protect both Emirs are government instruments. They are given orders and counter order against the same traditional institution they are trying to protect.

In the first instance, why was Sanusi deposed? What was his offence? Was it justified? What goes around comes around and that is what is playing out in Kano. Somebody wants power and somebody wants to penalize somebody because he has the power. And he wants to use his authority to remove somebody and put another person on the throne. So, what they are doing is political. Kano Emirate is a respected Emirate, and if they politicize it, it will not be good for the traditional institution."

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