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Rivers Crisis: If AGF Doesn't Intervene, It May Affect Federal Government - Sumner Sambo

opera.com 2 days ago

In a conversation with Arise TV, Arise's political editor, Sumner Sambo, expressed worries about the continued dysfunction in the House of Assembly of Rivers State.

Sambo emphasized the importance of the Attorney General of the Federation in resolving this matter and the possible repercussions for the federal government in the event that it is not handled.

He asserted, "The Attorney General of the Federation should understand that if he doesn't intervene and allow the rule of law to prevail in Rivers State, it may affect the federal government. The National Assembly is not there for play."

Sambo also emphasized the National Assembly's constitutional power to step in when a state assembly is not operating as it should.

In his words, "If the Rivers State House of Assembly is not functioning, the National Assembly has the constitutional right to take over the state house of assembly in Rivers State and stop the absurdity where three people are passing laws."

You can watch the footage here from 2:00 to 2:43 minutes.

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