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Thousands Protest in Lagos, Abuja, and Other Cities, Demand Better Living Conditions

opera.com 2024/6/26

On June 12, 2024, Democracy Day, protesters took to the streets in various southwestern states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to demand an end to economic hardship, insecurity, and reversal of fuel subsidy removal. The protests, led by civil society groups, including the Take It Back Movement and the Education Rights Campaign, drew attention to the worsening economic conditions and the government's failure to address the issues.

In Lagos, demonstrators gathered at Ikeja Underbridge, wielding placards and chanting solidarity songs. The protest led to slight traffic in the area, with police and civil defense officials present. Similar protests took place in Osun, Oyo, Edo, and Abuja, with protesters calling for an end to insecurity, payment of living wages, and reversal of fee hikes in public universities.

The protests were peaceful, but some arrests were made in Ibadan. The protesters demanded that President Bola Tinubu take action to address the economic hardship, insecurity, and other issues plaguing the country. The protests highlighted the growing discontent among Nigerians and the need for urgent action to address the country's challenges.

According to the punch news.

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