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Shehu Sani:The North Voted For Olusegun Obasanjo, When He Was Going, He Returned Power To Them

opera.com 2 days ago

When talking about the rotation of political power in Nigeria, former senator Shehu Sani pointed out that Olusegun Obasanjo was supported by the North during his administration, and that the North then nominated a candidate to succeed Obasanjo. Sani pointed out that the People's Democratic Party (PDP) lost the 2015 election as a result of departing from the rotation system.

He thinks Atiku Abubakar has a chance to win the presidency, but he stressed that it should happen when the South ends its eight years in office. Shehu Sani's talk focused on how Atiku can still be president and how he felt power went from Obasanjo to a northerner.

To put it in his own words, "The North voted for Obasanjo and when Obasanjo was going, he returned power to Northern Nigeria and the attempt to breach the rotation formula in 2015, caused the PDP to be out of power. So, to me, I believe that Atiku can be president, but it is after the South has finished their eight years."

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