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RESPECT THE CONSTITUTION. Senator Khalwale Tells President Ruto.

opera.com 2 days ago

President William Ruto has today found himself between a rock and a hard place after members of the Kenya Kwanza brigade dared to advise and questions his intentions with the lives of Kenyans. The President who had earlier in the week suggested that he was doing his level best, has now been asked by Kakamega Senator Khalwale to at least respect the constitution of the Republic of Kenya on this.

According to Sen Khalwale, the President ought to have dissolved his entire cabinet and reconstitute it. However, Khalwale asked the president to respect the constitution by disbanding offices outside the constitution. This offices include of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, CAS positions, Office of First Lady and the special economic advisers led by David Ndii whose advises are now seemingly not genuine.

Khalwale was spitting these facts to the President on the floor of Senate house. His love for the country goes beyond party politics.

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