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What is the secret of prayer? -Pastor Benny Hinn Explains

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent video on Facebook, Pastor Benny Hinn highlighted the transformative power of consistent and untiring prayer, urging believers to embrace its potential. Addressing his congregation, Hinn revealed the critical role that fervent prayer plays in achieving spiritual abundance.

He emphasized that this scripture illustrates why some experience spiritual abundance while others face a lack, stating that genuine and persistent asking is key to receiving. His emphasis on prayer as a conduit for divine provision offers a timely reminder of its enduring importance in the spiritual journey of believers.

According to him, "Prayer must be consistent, it must be persistent and it must be untiring. We don't realize the power that is released when we really pray like that. You know many people ask what is the secret of prayer? I'm giving that to you now. Prayer is God's appointed way for us to obtain everything we need. In James 4:2, these words really contain the reason for spiritual abundance or spiritual lack. You can have abundance if truly you ask for it."

Watch the Facebook video here.

Fast forward Facebook short clip video from the beginning.

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