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Never Use These Numbers As Your Pin Number In Your Bank Account

opera.com 3 days ago

Choosing a secure PIN number for your bank account is crucial for protecting your financial security. Certain numbers should be avoided due to their common usage or predictability, which can make them easier targets for thieves or fraudsters.

Firstly, avoid using obvious sequences such as "1234" or "4321." These sequences are among the most commonly used PINs and are easily guessed by criminals using automated methods or simply by chance.

Secondly, dates of birth, especially in full or simplified formats like "1980" or "0801," should be avoided. These numbers are easy to guess, especially if an attacker has access to personal information.

Thirdly, repeating digits like "1111" or "9999" should be avoided. These combinations are also frequently used and are easy for someone to guess or try in a short amount of time.

Fourthly, combinations like "2580" or "0852" that form straight lines or shapes on a keypad are predictable and should be avoided. These patterns can be easily guessed or tried out.

Finally, avoid using your phone number or any part of it as your PIN. This information is often linked to you and can be easily obtained or guessed by someone who knows you.

In conclusion, choosing a strong PIN for your bank account involves avoiding these predictable and commonly used numbers. Instead, opt for a random sequence that is not linked to personal information or easily guessed patterns. By doing so, you significantly increase the security of your financial accounts and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or fraud.


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