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"We Don't Want Him" Gen Z Told Babu After Asking Raila To Leave AUC Job And Come Lead Gen Z To St.H

opera.com 2 days ago

Kenyans have now responded to Embakasi East MP Babu Owino's remarks urging former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to relinquish his Africa Union Chairmanship and instead lead them to the State House.

Addressing the gathering today in Siaya at the final send-off of Fred Omondi, attended by several Azimio-aligned political leaders, Babu Owino acknowledged that now is the opportune moment for Raila Odinga to realize his longstanding presidential aspirations. Babu emphasized the readiness of the Gen Z generation to spark a revolution in Kenya but highlighted the crucial need for a leader to guide them.

Kenyans responding to Babu Owino's comments have expressed that they do not require Raila Odinga's involvement in the Gen Z revolution. They acknowledge Raila Odinga's significant contributions to the country but suggest that it is now time for him to step back and observe how events unfold. They advocate for a youthful and energetic leader, noting that Raila's age exceeds what they seek in leadership.

Others argue that Raila isn't a viable choice, citing his involvement in the handshake government with former President Uhuru Kenyatta, which they claim led to widespread corruption, extrajudicial killings, and the misappropriation of public funds, causing immense suffering for millions of Kenyans. They assert that Raila, along with Matiang'i and Ruto, are no longer desired. Instead, they advocate for new, charismatic leadership that brings fresh perspective and energy to the nation. Below are the comments

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