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Ways Moringa Plant is Used in Snail Farming.

opera.com 2 days ago

Moringa is a broad spectrum plant that takes care of a lot of ailments. It is also known to contain protein and calcium. Studies have shown that it helps in tremendous growth of snails. From my practical experience, l will say that for any snail farmer to succeed, he/she should not joke with moringa. When moringa is used in snail farming , it enhances the growth of snails, helps the snails stay healthy and also helps in egg production. If you are a snail farmer and your snails do not produce enough eggs, you are not in business. 

Moringa can be given to snails in the following ways:

1. A snail farmer. can cut the small branches with the leaves and give it direct to the snails

2. Moringa can also be air dried and stored in bags for months. The air dried mornings is collected and given to the snails. 

3. The air dried moringa can also be mixed with snail formulated feed and given to the snails. 

4. The air dried moringa can also be poured inside the water that are given to the snails. 

5. The stems of moringa can also be soaked and the water is given to the snails. 

6. The small stems of moringa can be cut and put inside snail pens. You will observe that snails go to eat the bark of the stem. 

7. Leaves of moringa can also be squeezed and the water poured for the snails to drink.

Invest in snail farming and earn greatly.

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