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Raila's Bid For AU Top Job In Limbo After President Ruto's Govt Made This Unexpected Move

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga's campaign for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission (AUC) is currently mired in uncertainty as the election date in February next year approaches. Despite President William Ruto’s public declaration of support for Odinga’s bid, unresolved issues remain, casting doubt on the solidity of this endorsement.

The crux of the problem lies in Kenya's failure to submit Odinga's candidacy, as promised by the government. This lapse has raised questions about the level of coordination and commitment within the Kenyan administration regarding Odinga's bid. Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi had announced in early June, during a joint briefing with Odinga, that Kenya would formalize its submission by June 30. However, as of now, this submission has not occurred.

Sources indicate that the delay is due to a lack of consensus on the details to be included in the application. This indecision is causing confusion and diminishing the credibility of Kenya's commitment to Odinga's candidacy. The delay is particularly notable given Odinga's stature as a seasoned politician with significant experience and vision for Africa's development.

Raila Odinga has been a central figure in Kenyan politics for decades, having served as Prime Minister from 2008 to 2013. His bid for the AUC chairmanship is viewed by many as a strategic move to leverage his extensive political experience on a continental scale. Supporters argue that Odinga’s leadership could bring about substantial positive changes within the AU, benefiting the entire region.

The delay in submitting Odinga’s candidacy has elicited various reactions. Supporters are urging the government to expedite the process, emphasizing the need for strong Kenyan representation within the AU. They argue that Odinga’s leadership would not only enhance Kenya’s influence within the union but also drive forward key policy initiatives critical to the continent’s development.

Conversely, critics highlight the delay as indicative of deeper issues within Kenya’s political framework. They suggest that the disorganization and lack of efficiency in handling such important diplomatic matters could tarnish Kenya’s reputation internationally. Furthermore, the timing of this delay coincides with Odinga’s renewed criticism of the Kenya Kwanza administration over the killing of anti-Finance Bill 2024 protesters, adding another layer of complexity to the political dynamics at play.

Prime Minister Mudavadi’s earlier assurance of timely submission now seems in jeopardy, adding pressure on the Kenyan government to resolve these issues promptly. The government’s failure to act swiftly may jeopardize Odinga’s chances, potentially affecting Kenya's standing within the African Union.



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