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"Better We Elect Ruto The Devil We Know" Mt Kenya Ally Told After Saying This Ahead Of 2027 Election

opera.com 4 days ago

President William Ruto has scored a significant victory despite the ongoing unrest and protests in the country, which have led to property damage and loss of life. The protests, largely driven by Gen Z's discontent over heavy taxation, have included calls for Ruto's resignation.

Nevertheless, there remains a substantial segment of the Kenyan population voicing support for him ahead of the August 2027 elections, especially if the Mt Kenya region secures representation in the presidential cabinet.

In a post shared on Kenyans.co.ke, former Kiambu County governor Ferdinand Waititu has stated that in the upcoming August 2027 general election, the Mt Kenya region must field a presidential candidate. Waititu asserts that this is crucial for uniting the region, which he claims has been divided by President William Ruto's alleged use of divide-and-rule tactics.

In response to Waititu's statements, some Kenyans have strongly opposed the idea of the Mt Kenya region producing a presidential candidate in the 2027 elections. They argue vehemently that they would rather re-elect President William Ruto, despite his flaws, than risk power returning to Mt Kenya.

They blame the current challenges facing the country on past governments led by Uhuru Kenyatta, accusing them of widespread corruption and mismanagement that has caused immense suffering among millions of Kenyans.

Furthermore, they argue that the Kikuyu community should not assert a monopoly over Kenyan politics after having dominated leadership for over 35 years. They insist that it is time for other ethnic groups to have a chance at leading the country, warning that any attempt by Mt Kenya to field a presidential candidate will be met with strong resistance. They predict that such a move would only serve to consolidate support behind President Ruto, as other regions would unite against Mt Kenya's perceived bid for power. Below are the comments

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