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Men, 30 reasons you should not date or marry her: a relationship expert warns

opera.com 2024/9/28

A relationship expert on X (Twitter) Agba John Doe has written out thirty (30) things men should look out for and avoid in a woman before marriage.


1) Don't date a woman in her 30s if you're not willing to marry her.


2) Don't date a woman who is ahead of you in age, education, finances, or mental energy.


3) Don't r-date your ex who has gone ahead to date another man or men.


4) Don't date a woman simply because she's a virgin.


5) Don't date a woman who goes to any religious place of worship more than she goes to her place of work.


6) Don't date a woman in whom you're not proud to associate with her friend.


7) Be careful with a woman because almost all her younger sisters are married and she's in her 30s.


8) Don't date a woman who talks badly of her father.


9) If her mother calls the shots at home, you may wish to be careful.


10) Look hard at her mother; that's your future if you wish to marry her.


11) If her mother calls you to ask for money, break up with her.


12) Don't date a feminist.


13) If she doesn't know how to cook the basics and is unwilling to learn, you may wish to reconsider.


14) If you have been sexual with her and she later says she wants to stop, start investigating her.


15) Don't date a woman who is always arguing to be right and not to listen to you.


16) If she has refused to create boundaries for you after repeated warnings, break up with her.


17) If she has a male "bestie,"  it's not a good sign.


18) If she's demanding that she needs a girlfriend allowance, go and find another woman.


19) If she has intentionally dated fraudulent men, please don't even consider dating her.


20) If she doesn't show interest in what you're doing legitimately for a living, it's not a good sign.


21) If you've long left the university and are now working,. Please leave the university girls alone.


22) If she's a single mother, please, she should not be your first choice if you're not a single father, a divorcee, or a widower.


23) If she's not modest in her dressing and you correct her many times and she doesn't listen, she'll not be modest even as a wife.


24) If she has shown you potential red flags, don't try to be a captain, save me. She'll remind you that she told you or showed you.


25) Don't continue to date a woman who is always comparing you with your friends or her exes.


26) If she's the first daughter from a struggling family where they depend on her, make sure you're capable if you wish to marry her.


27) If she reports you to her brothers more than she does to her sisters, it's not always a bad thing. She wants them to protect her.


28) If she pushes you to be better, please listen to her. Otherwise, she'll see you as weak.


29) Watch how open she's with finances. But don't take undue advantage of it.


30) She must invest in you and sacrifice for you. She'll be more loyal to it.


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