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Shehu Sani lists multiple attacks experienced in Kaduna State during the Buhari administration

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Senator Shehu Sani pointed out the significant security challenges faced by Nigeria under both Presidents Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari. He highlighted that during Jonathan's tenure, the country experienced the notorious Chibok incident, where students were abducted by Boko Haram.

In Buhari's administration, there have been numerous attacks on schools and institutions in Kaduna state, including Greenfield University, Bethel Baptist High School, Federal School of Agric Mechanization, Nigerian Defence Academy, and Polytechnic Gidan Waya.

Sani also stressed the hardship faced by parents of kidnapped students who had to sell all they had to secure their children's release from captivity. Furthermore, he mentioned the escalating killings of farmers, attacks on schools, and the prolonged captivity of female students by terrorist groups.

Despite substantial allocations to defense and security during Buhari's administration, Sani argues that Nigeria's security situation has deteriorated, with groups like Boko Haram and ISIS growing more audacious. This criticism raises doubts about the government's strategies and resources in effectively tackling the country's security issues.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, Sani said, "Under Jonathan we all know that Chibok was attacked and students were abducted, but what happened under Buhari? Under Buhari, Kaduna alone, Greenfield University was attacked. Over 200 students were kidnapped. Their parents had to sell everything they had in order to get their loved ones out of captivity.

Bethel Baptist High School was attacked, Federal School of Agric Mechanization was attacked in Kaduna, Nigerian Defence Academy was attacked in Kaduna, Polytechnic Gidan Waya was attacked, slaughtering of farmers became a daily affair under Buhari; Federal Government Girls College, Yauri was attacked.

Female students were in the hands of terrorists for over two years; Boko Haram and ISIS became more audacious and despite all that, over four trillion was spent on defence and security under Buhari"

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