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Labour Party Reveals That They Have Chosen Their Presidential Candidate For The 2027 Election

opera.com 3 days ago

The Labour Party (LP) has reaffirmed its commitment to the 2027 general election, and has revealed Peter Obi as its presidential candidate, despite internal conflicts in the party.

In a statement, the party's National Publicity Secretary, Obiora Ifoh, expressed satisfaction with Obi's leadership and reconciliation efforts, aimed at uniting aggrieved members.

According to the report by Arise News on Wednesday, Obi, who was the party's candidate in the 2023 election, had convened a stakeholders' meeting to address discord within the party, promising to resolve all issues soon.

However, the National Transition Committee (LPNTC), formed by the Nigeria Labour Congress, stormed the party headquarters, demanding the resignation of the embattled National Chairman, Julius Abure.

The party said that it is the only party to have produced a presidential candidate, and also stressed its determination to build a stronger, more united party for the future.

In the statement that was released by Ifoh, Abure said, "Labour Party is happy with our reconciliation project and we will give you all the supports. We are not the aggressor here, we have always wanted peace we can't go into future elections with a divided loyalty.

"We have said that we are focused on 2027, that is why we are the only party that has produced its candidate for the 2027 presidential election.

"We know where we are going and we have refused to be distracted. We will definitely get to our destination of giving Nigerians a better nation."

The party's leadership has also expressed commitment to resolving all issues and moving forward, with Obi's reconciliation efforts at the forefront.

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