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The Sad Death Of Kenya's Famous Vice President Who Was Humiliated In Parliament

opera.com 5 days ago

Kenya's fifth Vice President Dr Josephat Karanja ( Photo Courtesy)

Dr. Josephat Karanja's political career came to an abrupt end when he faced a dramatic takedown orchestrated by then Embakasi MP David Mwenje. In April 1989, Karanja's fate was sealed when Mwenje took to the Parliament floor and openly criticized him, referring to Karanja as the "kneel-before-me" politician—a moniker that highlighted accusations of arrogance and misconduct.

The turning point came when Mwenje revealed that this controversial figure was none other than the Vice President. As MPs debated his behavior, Dr. Karanja was subjected to intense condemnation and ridicule from his fellow legislators. Sitting silently at the end of the front bench, he witnessed the full House compete to shame him.

When finally given the chance to speak, Dr. Karanja offered a succinct but poignant defense, lamenting that "common sense had been thrown out of the window and replaced with political thuggery." Despite his efforts, the relentless criticism left him with little choice. That same evening, he resigned from his position as Vice President.

Dr. Karanja's fall from grace marked the beginning of a challenging period in his life. The government, led by President Daniel arap Moi, pursued him with accusations of plotting to overthrow the regime. This relentless legal battle occupied much of his remaining years, overshadowing his previous achievements and contributions.

His resignation and subsequent legal troubles were a stark contrast to his earlier prominence. Before his political downfall, Dr. Karanja had enjoyed a distinguished career. However, his association with the Moi government and the subsequent fallout painted a different picture of his legacy.

In 1994, Dr. Karanja's life was cut short by cancer at the age of 63. His death marked the end of a troubled political career that had once promised much but was marred by controversy and conflict.

Dr. Josephat Karanja's story serves as a cautionary tale about the volatility of political life and the precarious nature of power. His experience underscores the often brutal reality of politics, where fortunes can change rapidly, and once-prominent figures can find themselves vilified and cast aside. Despite his efforts to defend his integrity, his career was irrevocably altered by the events of April 1989, leaving a lasting impact on Kenya's political history.


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