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If You Look At Tinubu Cabinet, You Have Northerners, Southerners, Why Are They Not Fighting? -Sanusi Lamido II

opera.com 2024/6/26

According to the Sun report, the reinstated Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusivity in governance, citing President Buhari's cabinet as an example.

He stressed that a diverse and representative cabinet can operate peacefully, countering the belief that geographical or religious differences are inherently divisive. He argued that human responsibility for system functionality is paramount, dismissing the notion that political issues stem primarily from the system itself.

In his statement, he disclosed saying, "If you look at the president’s (Tinubu) cabinet, what do you have? You have everybody from every state. You have Christians, you have Muslims, you have northerners, you have southerners. Why are they not fighting each other there? It’s about an elite that is irresponsible. We had the Regional system of the first republic. How did it end? We had the parliamentary system in the first republic. How did it end? I’m not talking about the coup. I’m talking about the crisis that led to the coup."

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