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IDEA For Africa Urges President Ruto to Act Amid Nationwide Protest by Gen Z

opera.com 5 days ago

The Institute for Development and Leadership in Africa (IDEA for Africa) has issued an urgent appeal to President William Ruto, calling for immediate dialogue with key political figures to restore calm and order in the country.

The Institute stresses that the ongoing nationwide protests cannot be ignored or taken for granted.

In a press statement released today, IDEA for Africa urged President Ruto to engage with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, Hon. Martha Karua, and retired former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The goal of these discussions would be to address the root causes of the unrest and to implement measures to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

"President Ruto should stop chest-thumping and act swiftly to restore the situation before it gets out of hand," said Denise Kodhe, Director General of IDEA for Africa.

"The African Union, the international community, religious leaders, and true friends of Kenya should not wait for the situation to get worse before stepping in. The time to help is now," he added.

The statement highlights the discontent among the younger generation, who are protesting against what they perceive as failed leadership and neglect by President Ruto's administration.

The Institute warns that the continued protests and escalating insecurity pose significant threats to Kenya's economic and political stability.

"Kenya is on the brink of collapse both economically and politically unless urgent measures are undertaken to salvage it," Kodhe added.

IDEA for Africa's call to action underscores the gravity of the current crisis and the need for immediate, concerted efforts to prevent further deterioration of the situation in Kenya.

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