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Kiriku Breaks Silence After A Lady Accused Him Of Abandoning His Family After He Became Famous

opera.com 2024/4/20

Enorense Victory, better known by her stage name Kiriku, is a well-known kid skitmaker. She recently broke her silence in response to a woman's accusation that her husband had abandoned his family for fame.

An unnamed woman claimed, in a post that went viral on TikTok, that Kiriku had betrayed his family by purchasing a car for someone other than his father, and that his mother had been crying because of his departure. She said that Kiriku had bought the car for someone other than his father. In addition to this, she asserted that Kiriku had concealed the fact that he was their very last child and had deserted his family when he achieved fame.

Kiriku gave her response after watching the woman's video, which was as follows: "My name is Enorense Victory, generally known as Kiriku, this is the only family that I have, first and last photo is my 2 years birthday throwback before I got famous." He put an end to the accusations that he had deserted his family in order to pursue his dream of being famous. So, in light of all of this, what are your thoughts?

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