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Bad Evening News To President Ruto As Gen Zs Speak Again Reveal They Are Doing This Tomorrow, Check

opera.com 4 days ago

Since the number of people killed in nationwide protests increased to 22, Kenyan protest organizers have called for further nonviolent rallies against the proposed tax increases.

After police opened fire on protestors storming the parliament on Tuesday, the initially peaceful protests descended into violence. The government sent in the military as a result of the fighting, which left hundreds injured and portions of the parliament on fire. It was the worst single-day demonstration in recent memory, with over 300 injuries and 22 fatalities, according to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.

An investigation will begin, as stated by Chairwoman Roseline Odede. The Kenya Medical Association's president, Simon Kigondu, drew attention to the historically high degree of violence directed towards peaceful demonstrators. 160 injured people were being treated at Kenyatta National Hospital, majority of whom had bullet wounds.

William Ruto, the President, denounced the violence and promised to deal harshly with those he called "criminals" among the demonstrators. "It is not in order or even conceivable that criminals pretending to be peaceful protesters can reign terror against the people," he stated. Aden Bare Duale, the minister of defense, declared that the army will be sent in to handle the "security emergency."

The proposed tax rises, which the government claims are required to pay off Kenya's enormous debt of almost 10 trillion shillings ($78 billion), are what initially triggered the protests. A 200 billion shilling budget gap has been alerted by the treasury. However, the public, which is already burdened by the high cost of living, has fiercely opposed the tax hikes.

Concern over the disturbances has been voiced internationally, with the United States and more than ten other Western countries denouncing the violence outside the Kenyan parliament. Authorities have also been accused by rights advocates of kidnapping demonstrators; the police have not yet responded to these claims.



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