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Northern Leaders Must Redeem Themselves: Lukman Calls for Unity and Selfless Leadership

opera.com 2 days ago

The Nation News report that, Salihu Moh. Lukman, former National Vice Chairman (North West) of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has absolved President Bola Tinubu of blame for the challenges facing Northern Nigeria. In an open letter to political leaders in the region, Lukman attributed the gross underdevelopment and various challenges to the failed leadership of former President Muhammadu Buhari, who squandered the opportunity to transform the region during his eight-year tenure.

Lukman painted a dire picture of the living conditions in Northern Nigeria, describing life as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." He highlighted the alarming rates of poverty, unemployment, inequality, and insecurity, which have devastated the region. He also lamented the decline of traditional institutions, religious leaders, and public services.

The former APC chieftain expressed disappointment that the North, once known for its united political leadership, has lost its strength and is now disunited and lacking effective leadership. He attributed this to the failure of former President Buhari to utilize his widespread acceptance to produce selfless leaders who could have addressed the region's challenges.

Lukman concluded that the North has lost its way and is in a state of crisis, warning that the situation is explosive and waiting to erupt. He urged Northern political leaders to take responsibility and work towards redeeming themselves and restoring the region to its former glory.

Photo Credit The Nation News

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